Megan Chambers EFT

If you think you’re broken, you’re not. Your behaviours and emotions are totally rational based on what you’ve been through. But responses like being afraid to make a mistake, wanting to stay invisible, not trusting yourself, and feeling not good enough make life miserable.

If you’re wondering how you’ll ever get over it, know that you can and I can show you how.

Hi, I’m Megan, certified Clinical EFT Tapping Practitioner and Life Coach for those at mid-life who are ready to resolve a lifetime of stress, and sometimes trauma, so they can be free to step into their unique life purpose.

If you’re ready for bigger and better things but your past is keeping you stuck with low self-confidence, then this work is for you.

If it feels safer to be quiet and keep your head down than to change the world with your amazing gifts, this work is for you.

If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed, like everything’s on top of you, and you want space to think, create and serve, this work is for you.

If your relationships (past or present), your job or where you live are keeping you small and you know it’s time to break out, even though that feels scary, this work is for you.

If you’re over being hijacked by your stressed-out nervous system and would love to be able to take life events in your stride, this work is for you.

Just a few of the profound changes reported by my clients:
  • Left an abusive relationship after 10 years of torment and moved to her dream location, starting a beautiful new life for her and her family.
  • Obtained her dream job by reducing anxiety and overwhelm regarding the interview process and worries about being able to perform the job competently.
  • Became more visible online and grew her business after overcoming her fear of appearing in videos and selfies triggered by a childhood sexual abuse incident.
  • Released long-standing grief and fear after a traumatic death event that had tormented her daily for years.
  • Made a big decision that got him out of procrastination and moving towards his dream of quitting his job and selling his house to allow a lifestyle that will bring him freedom and joy.
  • Became able to make decisions at work without the paralysing fear of making mistakes.
  • Relieved the stressful thoughts of moving house so she could plan the way forward and take the steps to pack and move.
  • Experienced a big increase in her overall quality of life due to a calmer nervous system after we released the grip of her inner critic, triggered by a perfectionistic parent.
  • Experienced a sense of deep inner peace and the softening of painful memories after the release of childhood trauma from an alcoholic parent.
What can we tackle together?
  • Persistent anxiety and its effects such as clouded thinking, insomnia, a harsh inner critic, uncontrollable emotions.
  • Intrusive, upsetting memories from relationships, such as romantic relationships with narcissists or difficult childhood relationships with parents.
  • Struggles with current difficult relationships, such as with colleagues, partners, parents or children
  • Overwhelm and confusion, where the way forward remains obscured.
  • Unable to reach goals and dreams due to factors like lack of confidence, procrastination, self-sabotage, people-pleasing, and inner self-criticism.
  • Issues related to introversion, excessive empathy, or heightened sensitivity, such as criticism sensitivity, unclear boundaries, or sensory overload.
  • Feeling disconnected from spiritual support and guidance.
  • And more.

Book a FREE, no-obligation consultation to see if we’re a fit to work together:

Book a package of 3 EFT Tapping sessions:

EXISTING CLIENTS only: Book a single EFT Tapping session:

Having healed myself of decades-long anxiety and overcome 9 years in an emotionally and financially abusive relationship I’ve gathered cutting-edge tools that are simple to learn and that get amazing results.

You’ll learn to apply them to any area of your life, for the rest of your life.

What’s EFT Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT Tapping, is your secret weapon against stress and the eraser of bad memories.

Through gentle tapping on acupoints, it soothes your nervous system, alleviating the burdens of daily life, past traumas, and future worries.

When your nervous system is calm, your clarity sharpens, communication improves, decisions become wiser, creativity flows, productivity soars, and you feel at home within yourself.

What’s Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a compass on your life’s journey. It empowers you to set meaningful goals, chart your course, and conquer the mental barriers that may stand in your way. It’s not just about reaching your destination; it’s about embracing the entire journey, uncovering the gold along the way.

Why combine Life Coaching and EFT?

Because they bring out the best in each other!

While Life Coaching propels you toward your dreams by helping you get clear on your heart’s desires and setting specific goals, EFT smooths the pathway to them by healing the scars of your past that are hindering your current progress. It’s a dynamic duo that ensures your progress is unhindered by obstacles.

We could be a fit if…

You’ve come to a point where you just know that there must be a better way and you’re determined to find it.

You’re willing to be gently but firmly challenged regarding the beliefs and thoughts that are no longer serving you.

You’re open to experiencing unconventional but powerful and effective ways of healing to create the life you want.

You have a sense of the spiritual/of a divine, loving force operating in your life, even though it may be hard (even impossible) to access at times.

About Me

Hi, I’m Megan Chambers

My journey to becoming a Life Coach and EFT practitioner was via healing myself of decades of intense stress and anxiety.

I remember being anxious from a young age. And joining the corporate world after studying psychology at university just made it worse.

I enjoyed the challenge of corporate work and it suited the part of me that’s organised and enjoys strategizing and problem-solving. But having to deal with impossibly high expectations and being surrounded by intense personalities triggered my low self-confidence and made every day painful, sometimes even unbearable.

Book a FREE, no-obligation consultation to see if we’re a fit to work together:

Book a package of 3 EFT Tapping sessions:

EXISTING CLIENTS only: Book a single EFT Tapping session:

Feel like we might be a fit?

Here are two ways to get started…

Work With Me

Are you ready to:

  • Break free from stress and anxiety?
  • Liberate yourself from old emotional patterns and upsetting memories?
  • Experience more harmonious and fulfilling relationships?
  • Unlock your potential?

Free Stuff & Tasters

Access a free EFT tapping poster, tap along with a free video to give you a great night’s sleep, sign up for my newsletter and access my social media.

Mona, Australia

“You held the space, Megan to express my inner-most thoughts, some never expressed before. Doing this allowed me to be released from emotional pain (and other core beliefs) that I myself didn’t expect. Megan, you helped release me from trauma that was holding me back to step into who I really was and the person I have evolved into. Even the session where we just talked with little EFT was truly profound. Megan, you offer your clients a place of nurturing and healing that empowers them to live a conscious life of who they really are. You are gentle and wise in your methods and what I absolutely love is the Christ consciousness that you bring to those that hold that belief. That reawakened me to the Living Spirit within me.”

Jacqueline W, Australia

“I’ve experienced Megan’s EFT sessions both individually and in a group setting, and am very impressed with her ability to navigate what is presented in front of her. Megan holds a strong yet gentle space and intuitively receives information that is encompassed into the EFT affirmations. Her presence to what is being experienced is felt throughout the session, and allows for a depth of inner journeying in the safety of the sacred space she holds. Her ability to articulate wisdom is one of her innate gifts. I feel I am in the presence of a very wise and caring soul when working with Megan.”

Jess Johnson, Life Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner

“I reached out to Megan to help me with anxiety and overwhelm I had been feeling over some upcoming business decisions. After an hour of tapping, I was clear on the choices in front of me, which allowed me to make a confident decision in the moment and have clarity on how to prioritize the next steps. I now feel relaxed, calm, and ready to enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday without stress!”

Diana, Germany

“Working with Megan was a wonderful and very insightful experience. Megan is a great support in guiding you and making effective and positive changes with you. I felt safe and understood throughout the session. Through her professional and sensitive approach to me and my needs, I was able to quickly and effectively identify hindering thoughts. I was not even aware of them before. Now I know what I can do to make my social media presence even more authentic and self-confident.  Thank you dear Megan.”

Paula Carey, Ireland

“Megan is a wonderful EFT Practitioner, I trust her completely and feel very safe in her care. She listens intently and conducts every session with kindness, understanding and focus. She is highly intuitive with an uncanny ability to help me identify the core issue and tap it gently away. After a session with Megan, I feel lighter, brighter and better equipped to get on with my life.”

 Kate Bendall, Australia

“I was delighted with my session with Megan. Her warmth and skill were pivotal in me being able to completely trust the process. I was in good hands and I could feel it. The session helped me easily identify my blocks, and better still, to move them. I highly recommend Megan as a gifted practitioner.”

 Bev, UK

“Megan provided a safe and encouraging space for me to unpick and share some of my behaviors which were keeping me stuck before taking me through a personalised EFT session. The session really helped me feel less anxious about moving forward very quickly – it was quite amazing.  I’m really looking forward to exploring the magic that Megan shared with me and incorporating some regular EFT into my life. Thanks so much Megan”

 Laura Prechel, US

“Megan is truly wonderful! She brought so much light and love into my childhood sexual trauma, which I didn’t even realize was the issue behind the present day challenge I came to her for. She provided an incredibly safe environment to open and release while maintaining her focus on the issue I came to her for. I left so inspired to make positive changes in my life and am truly grateful for the work she is doing for the world.”

Shirley, US

“I have come across many different modalities in recent years, including EFT at some point, but Megan’s unique approach to EFT was very different. She brings so much knowledge, compassion and flexibility into her work, and offers her skills in the most accessible and supportive way. Drawing on her own personal experience, Megan offers a safe space and a comfortable environment to discuss anything that’s come up in one’s journey. She brings clarity, wisdom and kindness, and I have gained many new insights during our time together. It has been a pleasure to connect with Megan not just as a professional but also to get to know her as a person who has gone through similar processes herself, and I look forward to working with her again in the future.”

FREE Tapping Poster

This free EFT tapping poster shows the tapping points using gorgeous artworks from the Art Nouveau period and Leonardo da Vinci, as well as the basic EFT tapping protocol.

Print it and put it up on your wall as a daily reminder to tap yourself well.


My Story: Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse

My Story: Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse

It’s 2005 and I’m standing on Elizabeth St, Sydney in peak hour. My nervous system is shot, I can’t see a future for myself, and I consider stepping in front of a bus to make the pain go away. The week before, I’d left a 9-year...

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What is EFT?

What is EFT?

My favourite tool, the one I use with every client, is Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as EFT or tapping). EFT is a stress-reduction technique. It reduces stress via the body's meridian system (a real physical system)...

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Book a FREE, no-obligation consultation to see if we’re a fit to work together:

Book a package of 3 EFT Tapping sessions:

EXISTING CLIENTS only: Book a single EFT Tapping session: